Dolores Umbridge backstory to be released on Pottermore on Halloween

Great news for the Potterheads! Halloween just got even better because J. K. Rowling is publishing a story on Umbridge next Friday! She may be heartless and sadistic, but hey, it’s Harry Potter related. (Expect a blog of my fangirling over it).⚡️

Pottermore News

umbridge1This Halloween, J.K. Rowling will publish a 1,500-word backstory about character Dolores Umbridge on Pottermore.

According to a press release sent out today, the entry will reveal J.K. Rowling’s “first-person thoughts and reflections” about Umbridge, who is first introduced to readers in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix as the Senior Undersecretary to the Minister for Magic and new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. In the press release, she is described as “the only person other than Lord Voldemort to leave a permanent physical scar on Harry.”

Pottermore teased the new information last week as part of their Trick or Treat celebration leading up to Halloween. Everyday leading up to Halloween, Pottermore sends out a riddles and picture that is part of a revelation coming October 31, presumably the release of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Judging by the Trick or Treat statements so far…

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Wait… What is this?

After weeks of creating this blog I finally got myself to write a brief introductory post. This blog is meant to discuss fandom events (canon or not), and if possible, relate them to our everyday lives. I might talk about random events that happened in my life that could relate to fandoms (or not). I have an opinion on many things, so you can expect ranting from time to time as well. After all, this is a cynical fanblog.

(Expect random pictures as well)
